LEC Temperature USB Data Logger with Software

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New from Lec, the handy ATMDL01 datalogger can be used in fridges and freezers to record temperatures and store up to a year’s worth of data.

The Lec Datalogger has been designed to offer you and your staff peace of mind that the vaccines in your refrigerator are stored at the correct temperature. The data logger is supplied complete with Windows-based software and is as easy-to-use as a USB memory stick.

The supplied software allows a number of parameters to be set. Once the desired temperature ranges are programmed, the unit can simply be placed on the middle shelf of a refrigerator or freezer to log temperature fluctuations over an extended period of time. A visible indicator notifies the user of issues even without downloading data to the PC.


Life-long user-replaceable lithium battery
Battery will last at least 1 year depending on logging rate and temperature
Flashing LED status indicators to indicate the status of the logger without having to download data (e.g. if the set temperature has gone outside alarm limits)
The logger can be used even in moist or humid conditions

Measurement range: -35°C to +80°C
Accuracy: ± 1°C
Stores 16,382 readings
IP67 standard moisture protection when cap fitted
Sofware features

Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Software supplied on CD – no need to download from the internet
Graph, print or export data – the software allows the user to view and store data in a number of ways


Model : ATMDL01 
SKU Number: 444448729
Product Dimensions (W x D x H): 25 × 25 × 100mm (W x D x H) mm
Packed Dimensions (W x D x H): 115 × 105 × 45mm
Measurement range -35°C to +80°C (1°C accuracy level) 
Storage capacity: 16,382 readings 
Logging rate: Every 10 secs to every 12 hrs 
Battery: Replaceable lithium 
Moisture protection: IP67 when cap fitted
Software: Supplied on CD, Compatible with Windows 2000/XP/Vista.