Aviation first aid kit for non-commercial operations to AMC1 NCO.IDE.A.145 standard. All the contents required to meet the AMC1.NCO.IDE.A.145 requirements (updated April 2021). The bag comes labelled with a contents list in English and Spanish. Each kit is supplied with a unique numbered seal and a certificate of conformity. Every kit is individually numbered and shows the earliest expiry date of the contents. Contents 2 x Conforming Bandage 5cm2 x Conforming Bandage 7.5cm1 x Gel Burn Dressing 10×10cm1 x Gel Burn Dressing 20×20cm1 x Small Wound Dressing 5×5cm with Bandage1 x Medium Wound Dressing 12×12cm with Bandage1 x Large Wound Dressing 18×18cm with Bandage1 x Triangular Bandage1 x Eyepad with Bandage20 x Waterpoof Plasters10 x Alcohol Free Cleansing/Antiseptic Wipes1 x Resuscitation Aid with one way valve1 x Pair of Tufkut Scissors2 x Pairs of Vinyl Gloves5 x Type IIR Medical Mask Supplied in either a BOX015 or BAG400R, please select your preference when orderingDimensions BOX – 27 × 17 × 9cmBAG – 20 × 14 × 8cm